Enterprise Grade Software & Device Development

Enterprise Grade Software & Device Development

Custom web, mobile, and IoT device engineering. Solutions that help your business increase efficiency, stability and production.

Industry Disruption

Combining technologies for effective application to industry advancement

We are driving our tech industry partners' innovation and advancement through insight into consumers' viewpoints and the capacity for imagination


“The harmonious marriage of blockchain based decentralized architecture with cloud centric services can lead to superior flexibility and performance for operations.”

Mick McCuen



“Amplifying human ingenuity and scaling our capacity for action to exponential new volumes.”

Chris Shields

Lead Engineer

Charles Mitchell

CEO & Founder

“We are driving out tech industries to innovate and advance, through insight into consumers’ viewpoints and the capacity for imagination”


“The harmonious marriage of blockchain based decentralized architecture with cloud centric services can lead to superior flexibility and preformance for operations.”

Mick McCuen



“The harmonious marriage of blockchain based decentralized architecture with cloud centric services can lead to superior flexibility and preformance for operations.”

Chris Shields

Lead Engineer


“Intuitive user experience design creates fewer problems, increases user involvement, perfects functionality, and creates a strong link between your consumers and your brand”

Kelly Brummer

Director of Design


“Cybersecurity isn’t a nice to have, it’s a permanent installation in the information technology ecosystem”

Jerome Prescod

Director of Security


“Unlocking new ways to see and interact with the world, the full extent for application of AR technology has yet to be fulfilled”

Jared Anderson



“Percision software systems are essential to the survival of any enterprise infrastructure and the delivery of execllent service.”

Shachar Peled

EVP and VP Medical Development


“The harmonious marriage of blockchain based decentralized architecture with cloud centric services can lead to superior flexibility and performance for operations.”

Mick McCuen



“Amplifying human ingenuity and scaling our capacity for action to exponential new volumes.”

Chris Shields

Lead Engineer


“Cybersecurity isn’t a nice to have, it’s a permanent installation in the information technology ecosystem”

Jerome Prescod

Director of Security


“Intuitive user experience design creates fewer problems, increases user involvement, perfects functionality and creates a strong link between your customers and your brand”

Kelly Brummer

Director of Design


“Percision software systems are essential to the survival of any enterprise infrastructure and the delivery of excellent service.”

Shachar Peled

EVP and VP

Medical Development


“Unlocking new ways to see and interact with the world, the full extent for application of AR technology has yet to be fulfilled”

Jared Anderson



“Intuitive user experience design creates fewer problems, increases user involvement, perfects functionality and creates a strong link between your customers and your brand”

Kelly Brummer

Director of Design


“Cybersecurity isn’t a nice to have, it’s a permanent installation in the information technology ecosystem”

Jerome Prescod

Director of Security


“Percision software systems are essential to the survival of any enterprise infrastructure and the delivery of excellent service.”

Shachar Peled

EVP and VP

Medical Development


“Unlocking new ways to see and interact with the world, the full extent for application of AR technology has yet to be fulfilled”

Jared Anderson


Why We Are Unique

Expert Consulting, Flat Rate Development, On-Shore Talent

Through consultations and workflow analysis, followed by integration of databases, applications and computer networking, we streamline your business process and maximize your production potential without requiring increase of staff.

Our Industry Specialties

We successfully perform in many industry verticals:

Decades of experience in modern development.

Decades of experience in modern development.

Atlas Technologies was created in 2010 by a small group of successful software developers and entrepreneurs, to be the inception point of new systems, new better ways of doing things. To create new streamlined workflows that improve the efficiency of companies and their staff and to improve the technology to bring this all about.

Today, Atlas Technologies having fully embraced its sister company Business Database Solutions, stands as a haven for both clients that are in need of improved, more efficient workflows through the innovative use of enterprise software technology as well as development of innovative devices that greatly enhance the experience of their users.

What We Do

What We Do

Our business solutions are intended to help our clients implement trusted software solutions for their specific business operations. Our experience is backed up with a long list of diversified clients, and will easily show that we have the ability to help almost any business run with optimal business efficiency and productivity. Check out our portfolio below and make the choice for Atlas Technologies to become part of your future.

Our Process

Service Chain for Modern Product Development

Highly Experienced Consulting

Our consulting advisers alleviate your worries with an in-depth analysis of your organization. Through a comparison of your ideal scene to your existing scene, a consultant can get an overview of the largest pain points in the operations of an organization, and the best idea on how to eliminate them.

Intuitive Design & Prototypes

We develop highly usable mobile apps that solve business problems, attract users, and reinforce your brand. An engaging design will retain users, and will communicate clearly to them, instantly, with intuitive understanding.

Innovative Architecture & Development

Measure twice and cut once has long been a leading proverb in the construction industry. We
develop brilliant strategic architecture based on the long range vision of our client’s future
goals, and allowing for extensibility throughout.

Aggressive Security & Testing

Application Security and Vulnerability Mangement are vital to any modern expanding enterprise,
and our balanced approach between growth and stability is vital for stable expansion.

Ability to help any business run with optimal efficiency & productivity.

Ability to help any business run with optimal efficiency & productivity.

Our Clients

Supporting Tech Advances Globally

We streamline your business process & maximize your production potential

We streamline your business process & maximize your production potential

Through consultations and workflow analysis, followed by integration of databases, applications and computer networking, we streamline your business process and maximize your production potential without requiring increase of staff.

Caldera Forms has been closed as of April 5, 2022 and is not available for download. You can try the other Form plugins instead

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